
Services in HamCloud

IP-Coordination DL runs 1 Domain Name Server each in 3 separate datacenters throughout the country. They are responsible via one single anycast-ip-address. This leads to very fast and redundant reachability from out of the whole HAMNET. These nameservers are authoritative for our own zones „de.ampr.org“ and „r1.ampr.org“ and they are able to answer any questions for worldwide access to HAMNET-clients only.

Hostname: ns.hc.r1.ampr.org

responsible person: IP-Coordination Germany - Thomas Osterried, DL9SAU, dl9sau@darc.de

IP-Coordination DL runs 1 network time protocol server each in 3 datacenters throughout the country. They are accessible by one single anycast-ip-address. This way redundant reachability from out of the whole HAMNET is guarantied. The NTP-servers are synchronized by a ntp-server-pool within the internet which brings enough accuracy for clients and applications.

Hostname: ntp.hc.r1.ampr.org

responsible person: IP-Coordination Germany - Thomas Osterried, DL9SAU, dl9sau@darc.de

IP-Coordination DL runs a Mikrotik Update Server within HAMNET/HAMCLOUD. This server provides new updates just in time to HAMNET clients not having local internet access. Server can be used by creating static DNS-entries in a Mikrotik-device. For creating static entries you only have to cut and paste the following lines into a RouterOS-terminal on the device, followed by an upgrade and warm reboot:

/ip dns static add address= name=upgrade.mikrotik.com
/ip dns static add address= name=download2.mikrotik.com
/system package update install
(ab RouterOS v6.31)

Hostname: mus.hc.r1.ampr.org

responsible person: IP-Coordination Germany - Egbert Zimmermann, DD9QP, dd9qp@db0res.de

IP-Coordination DL maintains a Whois Server for delivery of informations about routing, hosts, natworks, AS-numbers and responsible persons in the German AMPRNettm. Server can be reached with any whois-client. A web-interface is available as well.

Hostname: whois.hc.r1.ampr.org


resonsible person: IP-Coordination Germany - Egbert Zimmermann, DD9QP, dd9qp@db0res.de

APRS-servers (APRSC server-software) are available in three localy separated datacenters. Clientsoftware may choose one of them by round-robin-DNS-requests and then connects to Automatic Packet Reporting System-Internet Service (APRS-IS). All three APRS-servers are connected to the APRS Tier 2 Nework (http://www.aprs2.net).

Hostname: aprs.hc.r1.ampr.org
TCP-Port: 14580 (Client-Defined Filters)
UDP-Port: 14580
UDP-Port: 8080 (UDP submit)

http://aprs1.hc.r1.ampr.org:14501 (APRS-Server in datacenter 1)
http://aprs2.hc.r1.ampr.org:14501 (APRS-Server in datacenter 2)
http://aprs3.hc.r1.ampr.org:14501 (APRS-Server in datacenter 3)

resonsible person: Hans-Jürgen Barthen, DL5DI

Access to IGATE can be solved within HAMNET by using AXUDP-protocol. When client is setting up the AX.25-connection IGATE remembers its source-ip-address and source-UDP-port and AX.25-callsign until system is rebooted. Client can be connected via IGATE as long as IP-address and UDP-port of the AX.25-terminal does not change.

Hostname: igate.hc.r1.ampr.org
UDP-Port: 93
AX.25-Rufzeichen: IGATE

responsible person: Jann Traschewski, DG8NGN, jann@gmx.de

A lot of echolink proxy servers are available. All of them are listet on http://www.echolink.org/proxylist.jsp . Their internet-IP-address and their HAMNET-IP-address are listet in the comment-colum (HAMCLOUDn). Password is PUBLIC and dest-tcp-port is 8100. Fixed proxys can be reserved and assigned to automatic repeater-stations. These proxies can reach echolink-stationen which use AMPRNet-IP-addresses ( and directly in the internet without any tunnels.

responsible person: Jann Traschewski, DG8NGN, jann@gmx.de

An IPSC2 DMR-Master is available in HAMCLOUD.

Hostname: ipsc2.hc.r1.ampr.org

Status-Seite: http://ipsc2.hc.r1.ampr.org

responsible person: Hans-Jürgen Barthen, DL5DI

A Brandmeister DMR-Master is available as well.

Hostname: bm.hc.r1.ampr.org

http://bm.hc.r1.ampr.org/status/list.htm (Repeater List)
http://bm.hc.r1.ampr.org/status/monitor.htm (Monitor)
http://bm.hc.r1.ampr.org/status/status.htm (Status)

responsible persons: BM262-Team, http://bm262.de

We have a MQTT Server (https://mqtt.org) online

Hostname: mqtt.hc.r1.ampr.org

responsible person: Michael Renner, DD0UL

HamnetDB is reachable directly in HAMNET: http://hamnetdb.hc.r1.ampr.org

Hostname: hamnetdb.hc.r1.ampr.org IP-Address:

responsible person: Lucas Speckbacher, OE2LSP

HamCloud Documentation

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  • Zuletzt geändert: 09.12.2020 21:21 Uhr
  • von dd9qp